Be Still, My Heart

Be still, my heart,
like the glassy waters at dawn
that take on the colors of first light
as eagerly as water takes on the hue
of paint still clinging to the sable bristles
when a color change is called for.

"First Light" © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

Whisper to me what it is you want,
what things I have to learn
that I have turned away from.

I am ready now to heed your murmurs
if only you'll share secrets with me
like a second grader named Ellie
would share her lunch
with her best friend forever,
a little curly-haired moppet
with freckles sprinkled
across her nose like wildflowers,
whose blue eyes dance like
skipping stones across the placid waters,
a girl named Chloe
whose turquoise insulated bag
with matching thermos full of soup
was left behind on the kitchen counter
in her scramble to run for the bus,
because after all, Ellie knows as do I
that snickerdoodles taste best when
your mouth is full of laughter
and your heart has important things to say.


Anonymous said…
Great picture. Fine poem. The poem’s visually interesting too. Fascinating post. Thanks for this.

Have a nice day, Boonie
Relyn Lawson said…
I want you to know that I literally drew in a big breath when I saw that image. My, oh my!!

You've got SOME kind of talent, my friend.
Peggy said…
Glorious! Great post!

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