Autumn Haiku

A haiku to celebrate this gorgeous and sunny autumn day.

  © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian. All rights reserved.

the trees shimmering,
hanging upside down, water
reflecting branches


Matty said…
My goodness, that is color at it's best. Beautiful autumn picture.
Anonymous said…
i miss the seasonal changes in nature. much as i enjoy the warmth and the beaches here, i long for the autumn colours and the cold snowy winters.
raji said…
this is really incredible .gud colors ..
Jinksy said…
A photographic feast hand in hand with matching haiku... :)
Ruth said…
An amazing abstract painting by nature, and your skill.

And nice to see an autumn haiku!
Unknown said…
Hello Meri,
Thanks so much for coming by.

OHMYDOGNESS!Such lovely paintings and pictures:)
we just love them. your writings are very lyrical...
wags, Buddy n Ginger
Sweet picture & haiku, Meri. Thanks for sharing.
Anne-Ma said…
De belles couleurs d'automne et un beau reflet. Beautiful.
~JarieLyn~ said…
Stunning picture. I like how you processed it. I like the poem too.
Unknown said…
Excellent treatment of this photo. Looks like a painting.

My entry is herer
rebecca said…
i want to JUMP into this beauty and colour!!!!

Anonymous said…
Stunning color and words to match : )
this is just Amazingly luscious and beautiful yellow reflective light! I agree with Rebecca! I am ready to take a nosedive into that color. Beautiful haiku to match!
Jennifer said…
Meri, I love the fluid color of your photo. Thank you for stopping by to say hi - you jarred my out of my lull!
Anonymous said…
I came by way of Pieces of D's blog...and I'm so glad I popped in for a visit!

your photos and all the colours in them just sing brilliance.....sweet poetry too!

come by and visit any time!

ciao bella

Anonymous said…
I came by way of Pieces of D's blog...and I'm so glad I popped in for a visit!

your photos and all the colours in them just sing brilliance.....sweet poetry too!

come by and visit any time!

ciao bella

Kim Mailhot said…
what glorious yellow ! love the words and image, Meri !
LadyFi said…
Wow - stunning, intense, vibrant! Just wonderful!!
'Tsuki said…
Your haïku is great and the picture has very impressive colors... Thanks for this so poetical sharing about autumn...
Anonymous said…
Beautiful image Meri. Haiku --- yes, I must write another soon.

I love your seasons turning images -- they are exquisite.

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