Teaching by Example

Mother Nature is a master teacher.

She shows us by example
how futile it is to hang on to something 
when the time for hanging on has passed.

To blossom when the time is right.

And how to just BE.


Expat From Hell said…
As I was scrolling down through the writing and the pictures, I expected to find the words "let go" at the end. "Be" was a pleasant, and terribly accurate, surprise. Terrific! EFH
What a lovely reflection! Cathy
Eryl said…
She does indeed. I love the idea of just being: if only I was a chrysanthemum.
Kim Mailhot said…
the best teacher ! Gorgeous thoughts and photos, Meri !
A.Smith said…
Oh what beauty to behold in memories when the time has passed and taken with it the remains of the day...Your photography is acquiring such a serene beauty that makes my spirit good. As hearing from you always does. Hugs from here, always.
steven said…
very lovely and insightful. steven
rebecca said…
you are a flower.
beautiful and wise.
That's a lesson that has been hard to learn for me. I tend to try to make things happen...and I rarely stand still long enough to just be! ♥
We should all learn these lessons from Mother Nature. I would love to "just be".
deb did it said…
BRAVO! fabulous, and stunning photos!

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