Haiku My Heart: Cellar Kitchen

For more Haiku My Heart, click HERE.

light casts a soft glow
across stone walls in kitchens
where slaves worked and slept


Kim Mailhot said…
beautiful...they must have been so thankful for that soft glow...
Anonymous said…
I love this post. Thanks.

All the best, Boonie
Nanka said…
Loved this Haiku!! A very tender sensitive feeling felt here.
Spadoman said…
Wow, that is super powerful! I'm lost for words except foe one:

Meri said…
Kim: I think house slaves were generally treated a bit better than field hands. But they were still slaves, even if they slept in a warmer place.

Boonie and Nanka: Thanks.

Spadoman: History has some interesting lessons. You'd think we'd have mastered the reason for peace by this time, but apparently not. . .
tami said…
the photo is fabulous! beautiful, thoughtful haiku. lovely!
This is a profoundly moving piece that you have created here, both photo and haiku. The soft glow of light offers some compassionate respite and perhaps some humanity to what was once a very harsh, cold and inhumane environment where the weight and value of a person's soul was not recognized. Your photograph, offers that recognition. You, Meri, with your eye and lens, have managed to revise a little of American history.

Jeannie said…
A place with history - even if it wasn't all good - made beautiful
foxysue said…
My house re-built from three walls of a tumbled down cobbler's cottage, date stone 1674 - they were hard times for the occupants I think, but not slaves! You captured the essence as a reminder of our freedom.

Thank you
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Wonderful photo and your haiku has a very spiritual feel to it, I like it that the slaves haven't been forgotten.
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Wonderful photo and your haiku has a very spiritual feel to it, I like it that the slaves haven't been forgotten.
Bing Yap said…
the soft glow spelled life to them. that is a lovely haiku annd the image fit well. well done!

thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. ;)
Bing Yap said…
meri, your comment on my blog inspired me to write this post last night and i made special mention of you-

Going Back...

blessings to you!
Anonymous said…
Hiya Meri,
Did you take this photo?
It almost looks like one of those newfangled HDR tone-mapped images that seem to be all the rage now.
The Haiku makes one feel the cold.
paper-n-soul said…
Oh, so haunting - both image and words. The photo is lovely. Thank you for this poignant reminder.

Riette said…
First of all. I'm crazy about the photo.Secondly i want to second what Noelle said. the photo softens the hard life of the slaves. For me its easy to say its beautiful because I love old things, but to them it was a different story.
A lovely haiku
rebecca said…
meri...is this tender and beautiful. interesting how charged some words will be for all time, like the word slave.
so glad you are here.
Meri, how are you keeping?
I loved the way the photo and the words work together to create a powerful image!

Kind regards


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