
Out of a shattered open heart
springs a fountain of fiery sacred passion
that will never run dry.
- Rumi

"Shattered" - copyright 2007 Meri Arnett-Kremian.

I have learned not to worry about love
but to honor its coming with all my heart.
- Alice Walker

I'm aiming to be juicy with creative energy,
to express that fiery sacred passion,
to keep my shattered open heart

Why worry about finding love?
Love for another man who makes my heart sing
will come or not, as it chooses.

Right now I'm in love with
infinite possibilities
and manifesting magic.

p.s. I leave today for the photography workshop with Jan Phillips
in the Adirondacks and then head to Egypt for my writing workshop
& Egyptian mysteries tour. I've prepared a few posts to run during
my absence because I don't know whether I'll be able to post
regularly while I'm gone.

Please forgive me if I'm not as chatty as I usually am.

I know I'll have a lot of material on my return.

Blessings to you!


deb did it said…
Meri, the love you have for yourself is very strong, sexy and attractive. The right "love" will come along and share it with you. It will not try to take any of it away from you....only add to your vessel that has just enough space to allow love to enter in. Remain open. Travel safely and can't wait to hear from you on the other side!
kt said…
meri ,
safe travels and much joy sent your way for your travels up ahead.
Wow! I'm glad I checked in today. Bon Voyage!! I've been very lax in blogging. But just saw your magnificent work and your upcoming calendar. I'm envious, happy for you, in love with your soul and vision...have a great trip.
sam brightwell said…
Meri, have a wonderful time. I look forward to hearing/seeing the fruits of it.
Lovely words today. Thank you.
poefusion said…
have a wonderful but safe trip. don't forget to take lots of pictures. have a great night.
An open heart bodes well!

Have a wonderful trip(s) - look forward to hearing about them upon your return.
Jennifer said…
I love your phrase, "I'm aiming to be juicy with creative energy." I believe you will be. I hope you have an amazing adventure.
beth said…
you know I'll be thinking of you while you're gone !
normana53 said…
Hi Sis, have a great time. You can fill Tricia and I in on your two trips when you return, and we'll tell you about South Africa. I guess maybe Doug and Lenee' can throw in and give a report about Barcelona. Be safe, have fun, and take lots of pics!
bon voyage!!! what GREAT ADVENTURES are in store!!

tell jan hello (though she won't remember me, I'm just one of the thousands of people she's touched and inspired! she is most special)

we look forward to accounts and photos of your adventures

karen said…
Be safe...happy travels. I can't wait to hear all about the tour!!
Delwyn said…

best wishes for a great trip...I hope that is is exciting and rewarding..
take care

Happy days
A.Smith said…
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To Egypt! oh! I am envious!

what a lovely post, as usual, with lovely words and images
JP/deb said…
in love with the infinite possibilities ... awesome!
Anonymous said…
lovely quotes.
enjoy your travels!
look forward to hearnig all about it when you return.
Anonymous said…
i was doing yoga the other day and the instructor said 'be open like the sky', thought this applied to so many things in our worlds. hope you have a lovely trip - look forward to heaing about it.
have a wonderful time my dear mermaid friend!!!
soul hugs!
~JarieLyn~ said…
wow! You are always doing such amazing things. Your dream man awaits you in Egypt and he is a writer and an artist too. He has been dreaming about you. :)

Have a wonderful time.
Relyn Lawson said…
Shattered is absolutely amazing.
prashant said…
safe travels and much joy sent your way for your travels up ahead. Work From Home

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