On U.S. Soil

Exhausted. In need of sleep.
Flying home tomorrow.
Talk to you soon.
Have I got photos for you!
(But not quite yet).


We want to hear all about your trip. Glad you're heading home.
normana53 said…
Hi Sis,

Welcome back! I agree with Lakeviewer, we want to hear about your trip. Call me when you get home, and give me a quick rundown. (After you have slept for 18 hours or so!)
beth said…
welcome back....
Anonymous said…
welcome home!
Jennifer said…
I've been thinking of you on your exciting trip to Egypt. Welcome back, and can't wait to hear about it.
deb did it said…
welcome HOME! can't wait to read and see all about your adventures!
Relyn Lawson said…
Am so very excited for you. And for me because I can't wait to hear about it all. And see it.

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