Dahabeya Afandina

Just thought I'd give you a little preview
of the Nile River portion of my trip to Egypt.

We'll be sailing aboard the Afandina,
a new steel-hulled dahabeya.

One of our group found this You-Tube piece
that explains about the boat.
It was produced by SpiritQuest Tours,
the Egyptian partner of my American tour company
Shamanic Journeys.

So enjoy...............

I know I will!


Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry but this boat IS NOT a dahabeya but a motor ship (with 2 engines)trying to look like a dahabeya. It's impossible for this kind of boat to sail with the wind. The sails just used as a ''decoration''.
beth said…
meri...I am sooooo excited for you and this trip !
I just can't even imagine how amazing your photos will be and the memories that will last a lifetime !!

do you have your new wardrobe figured out now as to what you are taking ?
poefusion said…
here's hoping you have a great time in Egypt. john has always wanted to see the pyramids and says we'll try to go someday. you'll have to get lots of pictures. have a great day.
Judie said…
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Judie said…
Let's try this again! Your trip looks beyond wonderful, Meri. Wishing you a soul-filled and joyous experience.
Gillian said…
Gill said
The Afandina sails are used and whilst it apparently does have an engine on board, a separate tug boat attached to the left side of the boat is what powers it as it moves down the Nile. It is the most beautiful boat and compared very favourably with the other Dahabeyas on the Nile.

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