Along the Nile

In our little dahabeya,
we cruised from Aswan to Luxor,
mooring alongshore in relative isolation,
far from the bigger river boats.

We spent a total of eight nights aboard the Afandina
so the daylight hours
(when we weren't at ancient sites or
participating in writing sessions)
afforded us a chance to sit and chat and watch Egypt go by.

The area alongside the river is verdant.
But, as you can see, the desert is never far away.


This seems like the trip of a lifetime. I'm looking forward to more.
beth said…
you are going to need a really big album for all these memories....
deb did it said…
this is gorgeous....I love watching Egypt go by thru your eyes!
~JarieLyn~ said…
This looks like an amazing experience. I really like the first photo of the river boat and I like the photo of the two men in the boat that you passed by.
normana53 said…
We want more!
We have to try to schedule a show and tell soon.
Relyn Lawson said…
Your pictures brought it all back. Every day I spent in that magical place. Sigh.

Ok. I must go now. I'll be back for more later. I have my own memories to submerge into.
julochka said…
a writing course on the nile, i can't really think of anything that sounds better than that.

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