The most powerful symptom of love
is a tenderness which becomes at time
almost insupportable.
- Victor Hugo
Do you remember
first meeting
your first child
and how it felt to fall in love?
I remember right after Brendan
(the new Dad in the photo above)
was born, one of the first thoughts his father,
a natural warrior, expressed was
War is so stupid.
It's such a waste.
What are you doing
to foster peace?
Peace? The best thing we can do as individuals is to create peace around us and be peace within. I try to make that a priority.
Peace? I have been thinking about this myself. You know that my job is about keeping people from their acting out in their worst behavior. But, there is more than that that we, I, can do.
the moments when i saw my children for the first time are very precious. i remember the look of wonder in their eyes, the perfect features of their faces and how right they felt in my arms.
congratulations on being a new grandmama!
We are ardent supporters of Medecins sans Frontiers and Kiva.
And to smile at strangers. And to talk to those who seldom hear a nice compliment from a stranger. And to write and write and write to deaf congressman and senators about extending a hand without a weapon. When would they ever learn?
congratulations - is this your first grandchild? brendan is beaming!!!!