Share the Joy Thursday: Such Little Things

A heart full of joy is purchased for so little,
for just the cost of a moment's notice

a heartbeat in your day. . . 

It might be found in 
a basket of white tulips sitting on table

the stillness of water and perfect reflections

little pink soaps in the shape of hearts

watering cans sitting on a worn shelf painted white

or when a couple of numerals sitting side by side
 remind you what life was like 
before you trashed your knee on the ski slopes

what life was like when you never thought 
you'd acquire the patina of age.

Won't you spend a little time
looking for JOY
and sharing it with us?

To play along:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


gma said…
It is about those special moments when you pause and catch joy there.
Lovely images.
rebecca said…
meri your jOy is a silver thread stitching the hearts of many.
thank you for bringing us together.
Alan Burnett said…
The images are wonderful : in some cases the images bring even more joy than the actual event as they are ordinary patterns made extraordinary by the photographers' skill.
Kim Mailhot said…
Meri, let me say how much I enjoy sharing the joys with you and the other participants every week. Thank for for this.
Love your simple joys today !
Hugs !
carmen said…
you are the best playing with that camera
and your tulips beautiful!
big mermaid hugs
delightful! thanks for sharing the joy!

those tulips ahhhhhhh
Anonymous said…
sharing the joy with you!

ahhh, white tulips turn my thoughts to spring as fat snow flakes slowly fall here.
deb did it said…
these photos are so beautiful...LOVE that water reflection...similar to my love reflections today
turquoise cro said…
I'll never see white tulips growing here on my hill, those pesky deer!! Sweet soap and yes,I feel the patina of age but today I danced some more colors on!!! hehe

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