Haiku My Heart: Wings

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a starry heaven
beating wings at her ankles
take the bright exit


Anonymous said…
oh she is very pretty.
Uma said…
Interesting haiku, love this 'beating wings at her ankles'.
Delphyne said…
Hi, Meri - I, too, like the "beating wings at her ankles." The coloring and lighting of that angel is really lovely.
Leslie said…
Your haiku makes me think. And that's good for me, 'cause I'm lazy...

"Take the bright exit." Has she already taken it? Is she a part of it? Is she waiting for us when we exit, brightly?

I also like that you imagined the wings at her ankles, which we cannot see : )
~JarieLyn~ said…
Your Haiku makes me think too. I like the exit line.
Dianne said…
Lovely directions to take when needed...
Well, Meri this is absolutely lovely. And Hermes is the messenger and guide to the underworld with "winged ankles" if I recall. He wears shoes with wings on them and uses them to fly between the mortal world and the world of immortals. He is a patron of literature and poets. Maybe this is not what you had in mind, but since you are on this journey toward publishing, I thought I would encourage your "bright exit" and your willingness to move freely between the boundaries of this world and poetic imagination so that we might see your fine words on paper some day soon.
Naquillity said…
beautiful images in both word & photograph. hope all is well.
Spadoman said…
I like the bright exit and the brightness of the photo. Since I can't see them, I can only imagine the winged ankles. Makes me wish I could fly.
Good stuff.

deb did it said…
Meri, I love this so much....a bright exit with wing kissed ankles takes my breath away!
Relyn Lawson said…
GEEZ that image!! You get better and better, my dear.

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