Mosaic Monday: Things I Adore

The list of things I adore is long
but it includes:

taking pictures
spirals of light and color
folk art & crosses
statues with serene faces
art and artifacts with an Asian flair
feathery things
tea-stained fabrics & frilly pillows --
though I don't buy frilly pillows --
shades of blue with a hint of green
carved doors
(please send an arrow my way!)

Tell me some of your favorite things
and then go visit other Mosaic Monday
players at Mary's Dear Little Red House


Bobbi Ann said…
Hi Meri, I just love your mosaic! I hope that you have a wonderful new week!
Jennifer said…
Meri, you have created a great theme for "Mosaic Monday," and it's fun to inspire us to think of our favorite things, especially on Monday. I'm going to be headed off to an ex parte hearing... I adore blue with a hint of green, too, against weathered wood and something white. Happy thoughts. Thank you.
Pondside said…
Your favorite things are lovely - and the way you've put together your mosaic - very thoughtful.
luna said…
Oh, I like it very mutch!!
Beautiful mosaic...
Happy Mosaic Monday...Luna
Naturegirl said…
Feathery things I love too especially the ones that fly about my garden space!
Hi Meri,

What a wonderful combination you've put together - great colors and shapes again!

Vicky said…
I haven't necessarily thought of my favorite things in this way :) Its fun to see all of yours in a mosaic, they are uniquely you and you can tell so much about someone this way. I am with you on the blue with green!
eileeninmd said…
Wonderful mosaic of your favorite things.
deb said…
I love your mosaic! Love it!
Jeanne said…
I LOVE it! What a great idea for a mosaic. Have to try this one myself sometime.
Hi Meri, Thank for stopping by and leaving a comment on my mosaic, to answer your question: I live in southern Ontario. It used to be farming country before urban sprawl.

Love your mosaic, the photos are great. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Glenda/MidSouth said…
What a nice mosaic! You did good!
Mary said…
What a terrific idea for a mosaic! Love that turquoise blue door (?) Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

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