How Gamers Can Save the World
If you're the parent of a gamer or two
like I am
or even a gamer yourself,
I've got good news:
Gamers might be perfectly positioned
to change the world.
Here's how.
The video's a little long (20 minutes)
but fascinating.
Makes me have hope.
And that's a good thing.
I know, I am utterly boring but I like to find a way to solve difficult things so I must get more information about this. Thank you dear, this added a new dimension to what is becoming a paradigm of a day. I hope you are having a great one yourself.
John O'Donohue is amazing. I'm so glad you have the DVD. Do you have his book 'Beauty - The Invisible Embrace'. As someone who takes such amazing photographs, and loves poetry - it should feed all your sense including any transpersonal or spiritual inclinations (without being religious).
My son played games incessantly as a child and it bothered me at times that he wasn't getting out and running around as kids are 'meant' to. But interests sparked by gaming led to him doing a degree in computer animation, being able to fix any computer problem imaginable, and by extension, all number of real world problems. He also knows how to use the internet as a learning tool and knows so much more about the world of politics, science, and the problems we have to face than I could ever know. He almost never plays games now, he's out running around in the real world exploring and continuing to learn and solve problems. So now I'm really glad I didn't limit his computer time and force him to go out before he was ready.
I look forward to seeing if, and how, this young woman's pilot games can change the world for the better.