Mosaic Monday: Yellow for the Ides of March

Remember when the soothsayer
warns Julius Caesar in the play,
"Beware the Ides of March"?

Well, March 15 is the Ides of March.
It was a bad day for Caesar,
but I hope it'll be a good one for you.

Nevertheless, in an abundance of caution,
I'm posting a yellow mosaic.

(Actually, the images are a little too exuberant to say "Caution,"
but at least they're yellow.)

To see other Mosaic Monday posts,
visit Mary at Little Red House.
She's the hostess with the most-est.


Nicki said…
I love these yellows!
I used to have a yellow I sleep in the conservatory (yes, I know how weird that sounds....) so I get to see all the seasons up close!

thanks for your comment on my blog.....I've got a new mac and am enjoying playing on photobooth!

nicki x
I like mosaic and the cautionary yellow of Spring theme. But the central shot in your mosaic of the school bus behind the flowers with mountains in the background. Once again - a touch of perfection. And you simply pop it into a mosaic like a brushstroke in a painting. But maybe that is what makes great paintings -- a large number of perfect paint strokes.
Yellows just scream joy and life to me - or as you say exuberance! A bright, cheerful way to start the week. Thank you Meri.
Carol said…
A lovely burst of yellow! Have a great week!
I'm a big fan of yellow, too and live in a little yellow house. Thanks for sharing such a sunny mosaic on a late winter Monday!

we could use a bit of yellow to brighten up this grey, grey day! love your mosaic mondays!!! thanks for brightening things up - no caution needed!
Sue said…
Since the color yellow denotes caution, I think your yellows work quite well for the Ides of March! Oh how well I remember reading this story my sophomore year of high school with the toughest of Lit teachers. LOL
Your mosaic is great and the shot of the school bus in the background of the field of flowers IS way cool.
I was told to try photoscape for my mosaics. I used both picasa and picnik for this one. But I think I need to upgrade my picnik account. Thanks for the visit. ~ Sue
Bright and cheery yellow and pretty too!

Thank you, Meri, for stopping by my place and leaving your comment! So nice to meet you!
Kindly, ldh
Kathleen said…
Very pretty, yellow mosaic..
Ah yes, the Ides of March..I remember that from Latin III..a long time ago...
Hope your friend enjoys your soda bread..:)
Rajesh said…
Beautiful mosaic of yellow items. The sun flower is very beautiful.
Jeanne said…
What a fun collection of yellow! They all look so cheerful and just the thing on the grey day we're having here.
Glenda/MidSouth said…
What a pretty collection of yellows. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for stopping by.
Debbie said…
I love your yellows, just looking at them brightens my day.
Flory said…
Wow, vibrant yellows! you've got a very nice shots too! Have a cheerful week Meri! hope you'll visit again to my blog soon!
Mimi said…
Love the yellow story from school bus to fish. Wonderful photos!

Pauline Wiles said…
They're wonderfully happy images! Eclectic, but they work so well together.
I love your pictures, especially the one of the sunflower! They are my favorite, so cheery, like the color yellow! Great mosaic. Anita :)
GardenOfDaisies said…
Wonderful yellows! Cautious or otherwise. :-)
Anonymous said…
Delightful yellows in your marvelous mosaic ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

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