Walking and Thinking

Thank goodness the weather's cooled off.
We're back to a layer of clouds in the morning
and sunny skies in the afternoon.

It's a much more agreeable temperature
for talking walks along the harbor

and admiring the great view of the mountain.

And walking's a perfect thing to do
while mulling over all the choices of classes
available at ArtFest 2010.

The schedule was posted around midnight.

I've already reserved my stay at my cousin Jenny's
guest cottage. It's way more cozy than the dorms.

Woo hoo!

What's got you excited today?

p.s. For what it's worth,
here are my movie recommendations for this weekend
if you can find them:

Every Little Step

I'm going to try to see
500 Days of Summer
Herb and Dorothy


Meri said…
I saw Herb & Dorothy this afternoon. I'd say you've really got to be either a total art junkie or a documentary fiend to truly appreciate 90 minutes of this. Herb & Dorothy Vogel collected avant-garde art from the 60s onward on the salary of a librarian in Brooklyn (Dorothy) and a postal worker (Herb). They amassed an astonishing collection and in an amazing act of altruism, donated the collection (that's right: donated) to the National Gallery of Art. The piece was too long and a bit amateurish, but still the story is fascinating.
beth said…
let me know your thoughts on "500 days of summer" as you already know my opinion :)

and yes...your weather is like ours right now and I'm loving it !
Delwyn said…
Hello Meri

that mountain sits at your back door like a protective God watching down over the city.

Happy days
poefusion said…
That mountain sitting in the background makes for a great picture. It's been somewhat warmer these last few days here but still nice. Hope all is well. Have a great day.
~JarieLyn~ said…
I like the picture of all the boats. Today, I'm excited about getting my carpets cleaned tomorrow. I know, not much to get excited about, but if you only knew how bad they need it.
lisa said…
oh that second image has me yearning for water and space and sky and mountain. it's so beautiful! and lucky you to get to go to artfest. enjoy!
deb did it said…
I went to Art Fest one year, and loved every moment. Lucky girl!
Relyn Lawson said…
The thing that has me excited today is how much deep cleaning we accomplished today. And, my teenage worker bee will be back tomorrow!! YAHOO!!

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