Into Every Life. . .

Ordinarily, I'd extend an invitation to you to

Yesterday afternoon was an exception.
We had a booming thunderstorm
and my garden was fit only for ducks.

There's a creek behind my house
that flows into a big pond on the golf course.

When there's a rain deluge,
the ducks delight in waddling upstream to the little footbridge
that crosses the stream to give access to the ladies' tee.

They jump in there and surf the current down to the pond.
They were probably having a grand time yesterday.
I couldn't tell.

I could barely see the pond,
the rain formed so thick a curtain.

Could it have been the dreary day
that made me feel so tired and out of sorts?
Gray isn't my best color.

"Into every life a little rain must fall."

I'm just thankful the rain I'm getting is of the wet variety.
Lots of people aren't so fortunate.


poefusion said…
That does look like an awful lot of water. I'm sorry you've had such hard rains. At least the ducks got some good playtime. Hope all else is well.
Reya Mellicker said…
I'm not usually a big fan of Elton John but wow what a great song. Thanks for that.

And for the pictures of the deluge! Whew!!
Meri said…
Yes Michelle - it was a fine time for ducks! Congrats on your blog anniversary.
I left a comment on your site about your plans to vary things.

Reya - I love "Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" too, along with "I'm Still Standing."
Bee said…
"Gray isn't my best color." (Love that line and identify with it, too!)

I wonder if you ended up making caramel corn? I just wanted to tell you that it is definitely baking soda that you need. Also, that it is truly delicious and a great snack for a long, therapeutic reading session.
Relyn Lawson said…
Oh, but what beauty you captured.

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