Speechless with Awe
There are moments when the absolute magnificence
of Nature renders me speechless.
The sun sinking toward the western waters,
the silhouetted thistles,
the amethyst hillock hiding in the lower right corner
of the viewfinder.
"No Words" copyright 2009 Meri Arnett-Kremian.
The kind of exquisite majesty
that causes your eyes to brim with tears
and you to whisper a thanks to Spirit.
And when someone sees you staring wordlessly
towards the sun that looks as if it's a persimmon
floating in a flaming sky,
when that someone watches you
reading the light and tinkering with shutter speed,
and then asks you with puzzlement, "Am I missing something?"
all you can do is gesture.
There are no words for something so spectacular,
something that unobservant someone
didn't even notice.
And quite likely
that person would never understand
your sense of awe.
But you can hope.
of Nature renders me speechless.
The sun sinking toward the western waters,
the silhouetted thistles,
the amethyst hillock hiding in the lower right corner
of the viewfinder.

The kind of exquisite majesty
that causes your eyes to brim with tears
and you to whisper a thanks to Spirit.
And when someone sees you staring wordlessly
towards the sun that looks as if it's a persimmon
floating in a flaming sky,
when that someone watches you
reading the light and tinkering with shutter speed,
and then asks you with puzzlement, "Am I missing something?"
all you can do is gesture.
There are no words for something so spectacular,
something that unobservant someone
didn't even notice.
And quite likely
that person would never understand
your sense of awe.
But you can hope.
that is an amazing picture
I checked the Email follow-up box. Let me know if you still aren't able to get trhough to my Email.
really need to touch base for blurb and coffee/tea.
And Mark, I don't know if there's enough room for B and B behind my eyeballs.
are enough!
hoping for miracles at recuerda mi corazon...
that is one of the most amazing photos I have seen in along time...I like the way you have to find the sun because my brain wanted to tell me it was something else altogether...
I was looking up in a tree the other day following bird call, stumbling around on my bad ankle and wobbly probably because I was looking up and a car stopped and asked if I needed help...It was a person in the street...I wonder what they thought I was doing...
being... drunk, disoriented, crazy... When I said I was fine and just looking at birds he looked at me very oddly...
Happy days