Get Schooled

Sometimes when I'm out and about
I find the most intriguing messages
in the most unexpected places,
like in this advertising poster hanging
in the window of the University Bookstore.

When I saw it, my reaction was:

"Isn't that why we're here?"

Don't we all need to be schooled in the things that matter?




coming to terms with loss & change


What else goes on the list?

1. Beth's addition: patience

2. Delwyn's additions:

slowing down, letting go,

knowing that we will never know, understanding that

life is chaos but in chaos we can reach

a certain level of security.


Anonymous said…
i enjoy reading graffitti too. sometimes they have the some intriguing messages.
~JarieLyn~ said…
Meri, you always have such great random posts. It really makes your blog quite interesting. And of course, I think everything I see is a sign, an omen of sorts. Maybe I need to get schooled.
Susan Tuttle said…
i see those messages too -- don't you just love when that happens:)
beth said…
we are schooled every day of our lives !

let's add patience to the list...
ELK said…
oh yay meri great capture ...simplicity....laughter
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

add to the list:

slowing down

letting go

knowing that we will never know

and accepting that life is chaos but in that chaos we can reach a level of security.

Happy days
poefusion said…
I love that picture. It carries such a strong message to the youth of our times. If only they could secure it somewhere in their mind's eye and reach for everything that makes them happy.
Relyn Lawson said…
Oh, boy. I would LOVE to have a huge copy of that image to hang in my classroom. It is perfect - a dual message, delivered with so much beauty.

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