Beautiful Old

Why is it so much easier for us to appreciate
the patina of age
when we see it right before our eyes

than it is to fully celebrate the patina of age
when it's looking back at us
as our reflection in a mirror?

What's your plan for becoming beautiful old?
And how do you define it?


Anonymous said…
I wish I had a plan for that! Hmm... maybe that's what I need to occupy myself with tonight :)
Tess Kincaid said…
I adore a lovely mellow patina on everything else, why is it so hard to appreciate it on myself?
~JarieLyn~ said…
Well, I know I struggle with the reflection in the mirror when I see my "laugh lines", whicd to me just looks like a saggy face. I think about getting botox and restylane, but then I worry that I would be one of the unlucky ones that would have a bad experience, so then I do my best to appreciate all my little lines and my uneven skin tone.

For me, becoming beautiful old, means having a kind heart and being grateful for the many blessings I have.
will said…
Ah, vanity. We are what we are and, I think, at a certain age the concept of groomed beauty isn't very important.

And I gave up on planning many years ago - when the bad guy pulled a gun and said he was going to kill me. That was enough realization to understand planning means almost nothing.
beth said…
my birthday is friday and I'll be 45 and a friend just told me that I'll never look my age, because my spirit and soul are so young and spirited...

I guess that will be my secret !
Keuter said…
i want to embrace it every wrinkly smile line i have earned. kt
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

I don't know about becoming 'beautiful old' but I am becoming old beautifully...

Happy days
Anonymous said…
I believe the aging process that marks the surface or gives patina to an object, is a wonderful recording of the experiences that have engaged the object and is an inherent feature of the beauty of the object. Why is it so difficult then, for me to apply the same theory to myself, especially when looking in the mirror, getting ready to go out!
ELK said…
nice thoughts with great images....laugh lines...gray,blond and red mixed on my head, laughing each day with 40 preschoolers...that is my plan!
poefusion said…
your quiet teachings makes one think about the changes taking place in one's body and surroundings everyday. my plan is to continue growing old beautifully through laughter and being with my family when I can, taking in as much nature as possible too.
Relyn Lawson said…
Interesting question. I think I told you about my sort of struggles with turning 39 in a month or so. I need to think about this. I do need just such a plan.

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