New Beginnings
Once upon a time,
the lazy days of August were a time
of sharp anticipation for new beginnings.
The opening of a new school year
was just around the corner
and preparations had to be made.
Of course you had to make sure to

that fit into your parents' budget for back-to-school fashion
(or that could be bought for what you'd managed to save
from your summer job).
A new school year held promise.
It was an opportunity to make a fresh start
academically, cultivate new friends,
and catch up with old friends who had been away for the summer.
It was a season of hope,
of getting just the teachers you wanted,
of finding a boyfriend or girlfriend,
of learning to find your way along
the path toward growing up.
Once you've made the transition to adulthood,
that feeling of anticipation,
the certainty of new beginnings just around the corner
is a little harder to come by.
How can you create a space for new blessings?
What new beginning would put some pizazz
in your life?
p.s. I just realized that Tuesday, August 11 was
the first anniversary of my first blog post.
How time flies!
This bible verse is one of my favourites and it reminds me that new beginnings need a new way of thinking. Often what is holding us back are the shackles that we put on ourselves. Our perceptions of who we are and what we can accomplish.
Its only by renewing our minds that we can change the way we see ourselves, and make room for new blessings and new beginnings.
I think new beginnings occur when we get excited about learning something new or just shifting our paradigm on something old.
for me, moving to another state would put some pizzaz into my life. I am so tired of living in the desert. I think a change of scenery would bring lots of excitement and hope. My husband and I need a change.
Every day is the new beginning of something, from a piece of jewelry I designed in some other beginning to the moment when I sit at the bench and everything comes together in a vortex where time does not exist. Another beginning.
Happy anniversary, may all your years in bloglandia be filled with wit, art and good friendships.
Good going for posting for a whole year...
I'm a new day new beginning person...
Happy Days
i love your vitrine, that's great!
and as for new beginnings, i feel one is just within grasp at the moment, i just can't quite make it out yet, but i feel strangely excited about it!
You know, August is still just such a time for me. Tomorrow is back to school. Last night was parent orientation. This morning I was so excited I couldn't sleep. So, I spent the time visiting blog friends. Like you.