Get Schooled
Sometimes when I'm out and about
I find the most intriguing messages
in the most unexpected places,
like in this advertising poster hanging
in the window of the University Bookstore.
When I saw it, my reaction was:
"Isn't that why we're here?"
Don't we all need to be schooled in the things that matter?
coming to terms with loss & change
What else goes on the list?
1. Beth's addition: patience
2. Delwyn's additions:
slowing down, letting go,
knowing that we will never know, understanding that
life is chaos but in chaos we can reach
a certain level of security.
we are schooled every day of our lives !
let's add patience to the list...
add to the list:
slowing down
letting go
knowing that we will never know
and accepting that life is chaos but in that chaos we can reach a level of security.
Happy days