Share the Joy: That Time Again

I'm scrambling
to schedule a post for 
Share the Joy today
before I run out 
to pick up a special little girl
and take her to see a movie
she very much wants to see.

The Great and Powerful Oz.

She's been a star lately
and this is her reward.

It's time to inspire some joy in her
by helping her learn to celebrate herself 
and her wins!

Where is your joy coming from this week?

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


4 Lettre Words said…
Oooh...I want to see it too. :) Love that shot, Meri!
Hazel said…
Here's wishing the special little girl a great time with The Great and Powerful Oz! Maybe I should see it now too. Charming shot of the star. Happy Thursday, Meri.
Kim Mailhot said…
Joy to you and your sweet companion, Meri ! Time together is a great source of joy !
rebecca said…
good morning maker of dreams come true!
i will relish this day all the more knowing you two will be off to see the wizard!
i too am rushing off to the studio and will happily visit all the joy givers on my return.
it's lovely to be back.
Unknown said…
Oh how lucky. Enjoy with your special buddy. I will try to see that also.
deb did it said…
How fun!!
Enjoy all your moments!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the party Meri,
Our party is starting today to if you'd like to join :)
foxysue said…
I have a special little girl coming over the weekend, she's a bit young for the 'Wizard' just now but there will be plenty of joyful magical moments no doubt! x
Leovi said…
Yes, I like, I love those beautiful stars, good photo.
I hope your time was dazzling today at the fun for the both of you. Happy St Pats Day to you!
Lucky Dip Lisa said…
Celebrating all success no matter how small or big...good on you! Character building stuff!

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