Share the Joy

One thing that I look forward to
every spring
is the Tulip Festival
in the Skagit Valley.

The great swaths of color
are a dose of visual joy.

The daffodils are poking up
their spiky little shoots
and letting me know
that it won't be long.
Seeing beauties like this one
makes my heart soar.

What gives you joy?

Share the Joy. 

1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of JOY!


Hazel said…
That is truly one of nature's greatest gifts to man. It will be like dreaming if I get to walk in a tulip field. We sometimes have tulips in my side of the world - in flower shops, the cut ones. Almost $10 a piece, not an everyday experience. Glad tulips are what you featured today. Thanks, Meri.
Jenn Valmonte said…
Oh my goodness... that is so pretty!
Lucky Dip Lisa said…
Thank you for spreading the joy, those flowers were breath-taking. I would love to walk in that field!

I posted my link, thank you for the opportunity.
4 Lettre Words said…
Such a happy post, Meri!
Oh you are making me miss Holland, Michigan right now!!! These are so beautiful...truely breathtaking.
deb did it said…
Oh how I know these fields so well.
It was always the first promise that maybe I would thaw out after a hard winter!!
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, I love tulips so much ! WHat a joy to see a whole field of them ! Wish I was closer. For now, I get my tulip joy from the bunches I buy at the grocery store.
Happy Thursday, Brilliant One !
suzanne said…
i can only imagine what that would be to walk through - amazing. those colors are so amazing.
Unknown said…
So beautiful, thanks for sharing Meri. We are having our first linky party later today and would love for you to join us if you could at
Have a beautiful weekend!
Unknown said…
If I could see a sight like that I would think I had ascended into heaven. Absolutely beautiful.

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