I've Made a Decision

I was going to spend several hours
writing today, hoping to get close
to finishing the divorce client manual
I'm creating to accompany my
client education presentations
for select law firms.

Instead, I spent time playing on Polyvore

"There is No One Else" created on Polyvore/MeriMagic

and thinking. . . 
not typing words.

I'm feeling like working on it
is coming from a place of "should"
instead of the "oh wow" place
where I usually begin,

so I'm going to "should" write 
for only a few minutes,
then leave to take some of my
divorce coaching brochures
to a hair stylist that wanted some.

After that, I'll go watch a movie
at my favorite theater


ignoring all the "shouldn'ts"
that go along with
pure self-indulgence.


Unknown said…
Wow you wild woman you. My motto
"Don't should all over yourself!"
Zena said…
Good for you! Enjoy your day.
Annie Jeffries said…
Doing the bread and butter work that allows us to create can really be a drag. It feels like time stolen. Now that my time is my own, if I'm not creative, I am the thief. Ugh.

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