True Words Tuesday

photo "poster" © 2013 Meri Arnett-Kremian

No one is exempt from sorrow,
from celebration,
from moments of stupendous joy,
in this body experience we call life.

We're all in this together.

We're all just walking each other home. 


Anonymous said…

A gentle reminder of how we (all) share the same road...
Annie Jeffries said…
Very much like this. A solemn reminder of our temporariness in this world but that we are never alone here.
Kim Mailhot said…
I love this very much. Makes me feel like there is a hand in mine as I make it through an icky day. Walk on, Beautiful, let's walk on...
deb did it said…
This has become one of my (many) new favorite quotes. Such a lovely photo Meri !

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