Share the Joy: Waterside

Today, like always, it’s the most simple things that bring me JOY.
I love the natural beauty of the little town I call home,
with its green-laden and watery vistas.

Just walking along the shore creates great waves of JOY.

What inspired feelings of JOY for you this week?

1. do a post that tells and shows us
what gives you joy.
2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it
into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.
3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link)
to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list
so that people are enticed to visit your blog.
If you just can't get it to work, send me the info
and I'll try to link it for you.
4. Visit other players -- as many as possible --
and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS
getting positive feedback.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


rebecca said…
you are flooding my heart with so many beautiful memories of my sweet life in mendocino. thank you meri for a joy so deep in my bones your photograph brings it all to vibrant life!
Beautiful reflection on the water!!! Such a tranquil scene!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Cathy
Unknown said…
I would be joy walking along that scenic area myself. A beautiful view.
deb did it said…
oh and I can almost FEEL those waves of JOY all the way down here to Texas! ~ Enjoy all your moments Meri!~ something you are already good at doing!!
Unknown said…
Oops forgot to sign up.I'm on there now.
Kim Mailhot said…
Waterside always fills me with joy !!!
Thanks for the breather.
Happy Thursday !
Leovi said…
Wonderful, I love the light and color, great picture!
Mommy Chicken said…
I can smell the water, ah. Thank you from land-locked Colorado :)
Unknown said…
What a lovely place to be!

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