Haiku My Heart: It's Not Spring Yet

snow blankets the world
with a hush of powdered white
too cold for sugar


gma said…
Maybe adding a little sugar and some cream would make it sweeter.
Grace said…
A lovely picture...Hopefully spring is coming soon ~
I'm chilled by the photo, but warmed by your haiku!

For Sister Moon
Lea said…
brrrrr! I love your word play on powder and sugar! A beautiful image and haiku!
Sandy K. said…
Spring is coming, one melted flake after the other:).
Finally spring will come. Love the picture. The last snow ... I hope that we here in The Netherlands have had enough winter.
rebecca said…
your haiku awakens all my senses.
beautiful, so full of life and sweetness, so hopeful and READY!
Anonymous said…
Annie Jeffries said…
Add something sweet, blend a splash of expresso. Heaven.

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