Share the Joy Thursday: Sunny Days

Joy comes in many packages. . .

a great bookstore and time to browse

lunch with a friend on a sunny day

and "spontaneous" mixed media.

Where did you find JOY this week?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post so you'll entice people to visit.

(If you just can't get it to work, email me
and give me the URL of the post you're adding
and I'll take care of it).

4. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  

5. Leave them a comment about their post
because everyone enJOYs getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Hi Meri,
I would love to browse in a good bookstore. I am so envious of you that you still have them in Washington. We are down to one in Santa Barbara, an independent which is a lovely bookstore called Chaucer's. I adore browsing through bookstores, just my cup of tea, and lunch with a friend, any time my dear. I wish we lived closer! Looks like you had a lot of fun and shared a bit of art along the way. Lovely.
Cheryl said…
Hi Meri, next time you come to Bellingham give me a call and I can take you around to all the bookstores we have here. Some good finds. I like you spontaneous mixed-media picture. That's cool!
foxysue said…
Spontaneous mixed media, now there's a thought for sharing more JOY! Perhaps we could spark JOY off each other?

Sue x

BTW my verification world only needs an 'L' in-front to say 'lovelotsu'!
foxysue said…
Whoops I meant 'word', still I do tend to get a little lost in the verification world, I tend to read signs into them! LOL
Spontaneity! That is good...We all should have more days unplanned! Cathy
Anonymous said…
Love the colorFULL joyous page! I have some joy to share but cannot from this PC if you would like to link.
Kim Mailhot said…
Ahhhh, bookstores and time to there is a joy !
Glad you found sweet joys this week,Beautiful Hostess.
Big Love to you !
ellen abbott said…
On a bike ride with my grandkids.
uh oh! i love bookstores!
and libraries, too!
i can spend tons of time lost browsing!
perfect one is Powells
hugs Meri
Anonymous said…
i returned two days ago after a most joyous 10 days in Oregon. I am sharing pictures of my trip over on my blog.
Olivia said…
Oh, my favorite part of this is the TIME to browse...time and focus to be present pretty much anywhere brings me so much joy. Let alone in a bookstore. What fun! I know that the truth is that we can always be present wherever we are but I am only just beginning to learn how. Thank you for sharing your joy Meri, xoO
She Who Doodles said…
i love the thursday theme. i will be back next week.
Melinda said…
Hi Meri!

I just did the joy thing...what is it? I've noticed it on other blogs. I like it! I hope you are still planning to get 'plastered' with us on Saturday at Pam's!

Browsing time in a bookstore is probably one of the greatest joys of all!
rebecca said…
your spontaneous wall art is like a living "excavation", love it!

thank you for all the beauty you share here day after day and for tying our hearts together with a focus on jOY. so appreciated, so necessary.

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