Mosaic Monday: Giverny

Waterlilies floating lazily,
willow branches dancing
in the breeze
along the path
that skirts the pond.

A pink house with green shutters
keeping watch over
climbing roses.

Roses growing beside a picket fence.
Astilbes leaning, like Narcissus
trying to glimpse himself
in still water.

An old hotel
in the village
where artists came
to pay homage to Monet.

p.s. These "artful images" are based on photographs
that I took at Giverny and later digitally manipulated.

For more Mosaic Monday participants,
visit Mary's Dear Little Red House


A pretty collage Meri. Love the aged patina you have given them ... a 'manipulation' that adds real character to the photo.
Pondside said…
Such a lot to learn - digitally's a steep learning curve. I loved this mosaic.
steven said…
meri lucky you to see and experience such a place. thanks for sharing here with us. steven
Bobbi Ann said…
Hi Meri, very lovely mosaic! I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Meri said…
Thanks, Bonnie -- the filters do soften them nicely. The bottom one I ended up doing in oil pastels. It's a closeup of the piece that was bought by a friend.

Steven - it was a beautiful place to see, yes, but the magic was that I got to experience it with my mother-in-law just before she was diagnosed with renal cancer. I was fortunate to have three, almost four, wonderful weeks with her as she saw things she'd always dreamed of seeing, but never thought she'd have the chance to see.She died a year later.
Hi Meri,

Your mosaic is outstanding! There's a 2 part BBC video available at Netflix called "The Impressionists" - so well done, I've watched it 3 times! I hadn't known of the deep and abiding friendships between so many of the most famous artists of that era. You would surely enjoy it.

JP/deb said…
what a gorgeous mosaic Meri! Monet would be proud of your words and images :)
Carol said…
Giverny is Heaven on Earth! Have a great week & come & visit, I'm having a give-away!

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