Monday Mosaic:Grids

I wanted to do something different today.
I hope you don't mind.

But this subject just seems to lend itself
to mosaic format.

And be sure to visit Mary's Little Red House
to find the list of other Monday Mosaic players. 


steven said…
meri - this is really good! hang it on a wall! i especially like the element on the bootom rown in the middle. have a peaceful easter monday. steven
Beautiful, as always Meri. You have such a great eye!!
Naquillity said…
your mosaic is a great combination of pictures. i've never put together a mosaic. i might have to try this sometime. hope all is well. have a great day.
rebecca said…
good monday morning meri!
i am resurfacing and celebrating the completion of a large stained glass commission. whew....
it is as if i have been reborn!
thanks for your constant beauty and support in my life.
Thats just so cool! I think a mosaic is just perfect for subjects like these. Thankyou for visiting my blog - its great finding new and interesting blogs through the memes.
violetlady said…
Very, very clever. I agree -- it could be enlarged and framed - it would be great hanging on a wall.
Lisa Smith said…
What a beautiful mosaic! I think I'll enjoying seeing some of life through your eye!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving thanks for my good reports!!

love, lisa
Ingmarie We said…
Yes, this is a very good mosaic. Interesting. And thank you for visiting my blog.
Meri said…
Thanks, Steven! The element you like is a closeup of a very old, heavy wooden door I spotted in Mexico.

Naquillity: Try it -- it's easier than you'd think. There are online mosaic makers that are free. Plus some of the photo programs have mosaic-maker features. I personally created a 6 x 6 template and place photos and move them around until I like the arrangement.

Bonnie: I gratefully accept the compliment. Thanks so much!

Rebecca: I can't wait to hear (and see) more. You are such a blessing to me!

Leavesnbloom, Violetlady and Ingmarie: I've enjoyed visiting your blogs and seeing what you're doing, too.

Lisa: You're a testament to the power of prayer. Bless you!
Bobbi Ann said…
Hi Meri, I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Wow, this mosaic is so impressive and unique...I just love this! It should be made larger and put into a beautiful frame. Gosh, I could even see this as a painting to! Very nice! I hope that you have a lovely new week!
Anonymous said…
Hello Meri,
I like these windows open to the world. A very good idea for a well down mosaic.
Thanks for your comments.

Hélène - France
rebecca said…
a shrine a day until....

ahhhhh, finally!
Love the grid idea! Soooo unique!

Happy Mosaic Monday!
Michelle said…
I love your mosaic, it would make a lovely picture to hang on the wall! Congratulations. Happy Easter from Vancouver Island. Michelle
kendalee said…
Oooo, I love it!!! colour and pattern and texture, artfully arranged - beautiful!!!

! an extra one, for luck ;)
ELK said…
meri . i think you see the world in the most creative way here .
Regina said…
Great photos and mosaic.
very creative - I love it! I also adore your fun bottles that are in your blog banner. What is it about old bottles that is so appealing?!
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Whoa, those are interesting grids! Love your mosaic!
Unknown said…
Your Mosaic is beautiful. In your previous posting I fell in love with your waves crashing. That is definitely a keeper.

Have a wonderful week!
I love all the different geometric subjects and shades of blue!

I love all the different geometric subjects and shades of blue!

Hello Meri,

What a great mosaic...I'm visiting for Mosaic Monday [a bit late] ♥ drop by for a visit when you have a chance.

Scatter Bliss,
Stephanie ♥

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