The Soul of Money

Sometimes we need to stop
and really focus in
on what's important to us.

Focus up close and down deep.
In the place where your soul is in charge.

The place where your longings
to love and be loved,
to create a secure and nourishing life for those you love,
to heal the wounds of the Earth,
to make sure the least of us isn't left behind,
to use your life to make the world a place
where lives are interwoven and peace is possible,

When you have brought your attention
to that place,
ask yourself,
"Am I living my life in alignment
with my intention to make my life count?"

How am I using my time?
And equally as important,
how am I acquiring and using my money?

What assumptions about abundance and sufficiency
drive my decisions, and thus my life?

Is there a gap
between my soulful life
and my interaction with money?

Every single day of your life,
you make an impact with your choices
about how you live
and how you allocate your resources:
your time
your talents
your focus
your financial assets.

If you want to examine those choices
(the ones you usually make on auto-pilot)

and turn your life upside down
in the best kind of way,

read a book by Lynne Twist

The Soul of Money.

If you take its message to heart,
your life and the choices you make will change.

In the distance a hum,
the soft sound of people waking up:
waking up to what is possible for the earth
at this sensitive juncture;
waking up to the call that is coming
from our ancestors and from future generations,
a call to awaken.
- The Turning Tide Coalition


Meri - What good, thought-provoking questions. It is about being conscious. What are our values? If we have consciously chosen the values and principles we live by - then we will make decisions and choices in accord with them.

Thanks for book recommendation Meri.
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

are the flowers in the photo poppies or peonies?

You have asked some thoughtful questions that we need to put to ourselves over the course of our lives...

Happy day
Reya Mellicker said…
One of my new mottos is "Time is my luxury." For me it isn't about property, things, clothing, travel, it's about time. Cool to think about.
as usual your posts made me think, I am so going to try to get my hands in that book
I promise.
hugs to you!
Celeste Maia said…
Hello Meri, greetings from Spain. I just arrived in Madrid, after two months in Portugal, so now it is back to reality and to work. I am happy with all of that.
I wanted to come to your blog and read your musings and loved this last entry. Very good questions, and I will also look up the book you recommended. The photograph you posted is breathtaking, it reminds me of one of my favorite paintings. I will post it one of these days to show you.
beth said…
powerful I'm thinking !
HeartFire said…
I so love the lavenders and purples of this hydrangea.....
Karen Cole said…
I love this blog world. So much to see. So much to think about. Thanks for the heads up on this book and the words of wisdom.
A.Smith said…
As far as the place in my soul I can only say that the struggle to align my inner planets has never been easy and I don't expect it will ever be. I can only hope my life would count in some way to someone or to some cause. I believe in Intent and practice it. Even my mistakes some times are visible to me but the lesson is well worthy of the price of making them.

PS:I love the close up of that gorgeous hydrangea. In spite of us growing over 200 antique roses our friends tend to call our place Hydrangea Hill. We don't know why, honestly.
poefusion said…
beautiful photo, meri, and some great questions. i'm always asking if i live my life to make it count. some days the answer would be yes and other days i'd have to say no. i'm constantly trying to balance.

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