Once in a Blue Moon
Once in a while,
once in a

the stars align just perfectly
and Heaven smiles down upon you
with an ear to ear grin
and bestows upon you get the opportunity
you never thought you'd get.
There on those slender branches
reaching for the sky
outside the upper floor window
just beyond the monitor

whose leaves hold onto droplets
that sparkle like diamonds,

you discover that your little friend has come to call.
And miracle of miracles,
he allows you to reach out and grab the camera
sitting next to you. . . .
not only that, he waits for you to focus
even though he's wondering why
you're such a fumble-fingers.
When you're ready

he shivers and his feathers fluff
just the tiniest bit,
so you can see all the glorious colors on his back.
Then he turns
and looks over his shoulder

"Are you watching?"
and flutters his wings
so fast the camera's focus can't keep up

Then he asks,

I'll show you my beak in profile

my adorable face.

so you can see my iridescent crimson markings.
You can't see them very well?
Oh all right then,
here you go.

Then he blows you a kiss

and he's off.
So you give thanks

that come when you least expect them
and get out your bucket list
and mark off
"Get a picture of a hummingbird
on the tree outside my little office."
you have been blessed
I love your story line too...
Happy days
I think the moment came because you were open to it. Too many people rush through their lives and don't see the miracles in front of them every day.
All the best!
we are both posting miracles today, and you are on mine!!!
thank YOU!
i believe in miracles too. ;-)
I was ecstatic a couple weeks ago to simply glimpse at a hummer as it flew by the back porch, to have been with your little guy to capture all these snaps - what a blessing!
love the prose accompanying your divine pics
were his wings rain soaked making it too hard to fly ?
You got some AMAZING shots! Thanks for sharing :)