Impressions of Baja, Mexico
Some things captured my imagination
in our foray to the tip of the Baja peninsula.
Here's a visual essay
of photos that begged me to take them.

Everywhere I looked,
color called out to me.
Not at all shy.
Rarely subtle.
A fiesta of color
that oozes into your blood
and awakens the artist's soul.
Great photos, all of them.
Michelle - color, color everywhere. And the blues of sky and sea and swimming pool are amazing.
even the word Mexico sounds colourful...
Many years ago we went to a resort on the edge of Acapulco and then drove down to Puerta Vallarta and Ixtapa...which was a bit scary in those days...but very colourful...except Montezuma grabbed me and ravished me for a week...
I left Mexico a very svelte woman...
Happy days
thank you for thinking of me in so colourful a way...