Impressions of Baja, Mexico

Some things captured my imagination
in our foray to the tip of the Baja peninsula.

Here's a visual essay
of photos that begged me to take them.

"Sun and Shadows"

"Reach for the Sky"

"Along the Highway"

"Something for Rebecca"

"The Sound of the Sea"

"A Riot of Color"

"Double Cross"


"Super Saturated"

Everywhere I looked,
color called out to me.

Not at all shy.

Rarely subtle.

A fiesta of color
that oozes into your blood
and awakens the artist's soul.


poefusion said…
these are full of vibrancy, life. color does seem to be the mark here. great photos. have a wonderful day.
~JarieLyn~ said…
I love the Muertos and the pottery. Very colorful. Since I started blogging earlier this year, I see things in a whole new light. Everything is a photo opportunity. Yesterday, I snapped 190 photos. Thank goodness for the digital age. No more wasting of film on terrible pictures.

Great photos, all of them.
~JarieLyn~ said…
Clarification: My last sentence was meant for all of your photos being great, not mine.
Meri said…
JarieLyn - there were Muertos everywhere, plus retablos and milagros. It was amazing! I love the painted pottery too, but it's always one of those things where there are too many choices, so I end up not buying anything. I did that in Italy, too. What a dope I am!

Michelle - color, color everywhere. And the blues of sky and sea and swimming pool are amazing.
beth said…
it must have felt like heaven, no ?
I wish you could have heard me scrolling slowly down your blog, uttering, "Oooh. Aaah. Ooooh. Aaah."
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

even the word Mexico sounds colourful...

Many years ago we went to a resort on the edge of Acapulco and then drove down to Puerta Vallarta and Ixtapa...which was a bit scary in those days...but very colourful...except Montezuma grabbed me and ravished me for a week...

I left Mexico a very svelte woman...

Happy days
karen said…
Oh the lovely colors in these photos calls to me and so I'll have to put this on my list of travels for the future. I've never been to this part of Mexico but it looks delicious!
These are wonderful shots...I can really feel the intense sunshine coming through (and the wonderful ambiance of Mexico).
Heartfire Arts said…
Meri, I love your Mexico pictures, so vibrant and colorful, warm... and the stories to go with them. Isn't it true, the most nondescript little place turns out to have such great food and memories....
rebecca said…
you are so incredibly sweet....
thank you for thinking of me in so colourful a way...


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