Saturday Farmer's Market

With Brendan and Katie and Logan
snoozing away early this morning,
I was out of the house to find savory eats.

Made it to the Proctor District's street market
just as it was opening.

What's your pleasure?

Perhaps some beets or cucumbers
or maybe some chard.

Fish perhaps.

Maybe you prefer baguettes with crackly crust
and a soft inside,
or ciabattas for sandwiches.

I didn't photograph the crepe stand.
I was afraid of lingering too long
and standing too close,
especially with a rumbling stomach.

And the sweet cinnamon breads. . .
well I bypassed those too
until I went into the grocery market
and they were handing out samples.

Maybe you're choosing heirloom tomatoes

with interesting shapes, flavors and textures,
shown here mixed in with the more common kind.

And don't forget peppers.

Can you imagine the twisted tongue if
the Peter Piper
who picked a peck
of pickled peppers
was wicked enough to pick a peck of pickled purple peppers?

Maybe you just can't resist
these sunny faces

that always make me smile,
even in the drizzle of soft September rain.

But if you're a canine,
the Top Dog spot you head for
is the dog treat bakery.

I didn't show you the birthday cakes
from the bakery.

Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting for Danielle.
A New Orleans chocolate cake for me with caramel topping.



ELK said…
i enjoyed the colorfilled sights ...what a treat for the sleepy heads at velvet my absolute favorite
~JarieLyn~ said…
I love farmer's markets. I've never seen tomatoes with ridges in them. They look like red miniature pumpkins.

I'm baking a cake today just because I got a craving. White cake with the coconut pecan frosting. (normally goes on top of german chocolate cake) So good.
All these foods are yummy and so colorful. You're lucky to have treats for the dogs too.
Anonymous said…
oooh i am hungry now!
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

It was lovely to see a sample of your market...doesn't produce make great photos...the items must be brimming with life and this helps ...

When do you go away? Is it a holiday?

Happy days
Celeste Maia said…
You are so lucky to live near such a market. How fresh everything looks, and how tempting to buy it all. Thank you for this tour to your local farmer's market, I really enjoyed it.
Eryl said…
What a lovely way to spend a morning. I love the look of the heirloom tomatoes I haven't see those here.
beth said…
time to make dinner now that I'm drooling all over myself :)
I love the farmer's market!!! I keep meaning to go down to mine with my camera...thanks for the reminder! :)
poefusion said…
after seeing this farmer's market, i'm sold. i'd love to venture into one and buy up some of those great looking vegetables. we're having sushi sometime this week so we'll need one of those cucumbers. thanks for sharing such wonderful delights. hope all is well.
so lovely!

(how have we not made it there all summer.
must go next week!)
deb did it said…
you make my mouth water!

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