
I always thought that I was more a cat person
than a dog person.

Until this little Havanese bundle of joy
came into my life.

When I brought her home,
she weighed 2.5 pounds.
Now, at four, she weighs
about 14 pounds.

She's extravagant and exuberant
in love-giving.
She's extremely talkative
(she carries on growl conversations
with a toy in her mouth).

She flattens herself down
so she can lie under the leather ottoman.

She prefers to sleep
perched on a pile of pillows.

She's given up trying to chase the rabbits in the yard
because she knows they'll always outrun her.

She was clueless enough to try to chase a doe 
out of our yard (I had to intervene
because the doe was having none of it).

She sleeps on her back, 
paws outstretched,
confident that she's always safe and loved.
And she is.


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