5 Facts About Me

1. I'm a woman of a certain age
and was pleasantly surprised when I saw
the "mother of the groom" pics of me
in my son and daughter-in-law's February wedding.

2. I'm the mother of two cats and a dog
(not counting my human "children" who are grown)


Deja Mew.

Oreo when she was a wee thing.

The most recent pic of my human children all together.

3. I am no longer practicing law,
though I could if I wanted to.

4. I love posters and signs 
with interesting messages because at heart,
I'm a confirmed wordie.

5. Every morning, I choose a different
"inspiration mug" to focus my intention 
for the day, pour my chai, and sip away.

There are a dozen or so altogether,
each with a different message,
so I can choose to
Seize the Moment
Walk in Peace.


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