Soul Work

Have you ever made Soul Collage cards?

I've been creating them like crazy lately,

getting ready for a Soul Collage facilitator training
later this month.

Somewhere, in a box someplace,
probably in the storage unit that houses
all my painting paraphernalia,
I have a stack of Soul Collage cards 
that I've made over the years.
But since I can't lay my hands on those,
I've made about 50 cards since I signed up
for the training.

I'm using my digital collages
as the foundation. 
Makes it much easier to crank 
out highly symbolic images
without leaving a pile of paper trash
and cannibalized magazines.

But hey,
if you have a treasure trove
of wonderful images
somewhere in your stash of goodies,
can you send some my way?



rebecca said…
dear meri-hoping you will join us at twelve days of mary-and share your glorious soul collage!xo

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