Haiku My Heart: Ranunculus

nestled together
row upon row of soft tulle
bright ballerinas


Annie Jeffries said…
I immediately started hearing the music of the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies and imagining these flowers whirling and twirling.
Lea said…
This is so lovely Meri. I can see these ballerinas twirling and dancing and filling the world with joy. How I love this sharing... and I loved your love note comment too... thank you for these gifts of heart and beauty!
Jutta.K. said…
Vielen Dank für die lieben Worte bei meinem Haiku.
Dein Haiku ist verbunden mit einem schönen Foto.
Die Worte passen wunderbar dazu.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland.
I can almost see them swirling and twirling in their colorful dance!
carol l mckenna said…
What a delightful haiku ~ such magic movement and lovely photo too ~ thanks for coming by ~

Happy Mother's Day ~ ^_^
rebecca said…
yes! so delicate and capable of transporting us above the weight of life.thank you for being here in all your glory and flower love.

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