
Yesterday I showed you two cover designs
and asked you to choose which you liked.

I had started from scratch and redesigned
the cover because I didn't like
the graphic designer's proposal.

But in order to use the image I chose,
I had to re-title the book.

A couple of you left comments (or emailed me)
asking why I didn't use my own photos.

And a dear friend objected to changing
the REAL title to match the image I'd chosen.

SO. . . . back to the drawing board.

What about this instead?

and just to muck up the waters,
I've done a second design using another cover photo.

Feedback, please. . . 


foxysue said…
Oh Meri, I didn't like to post because I thought the same thing but didn't want to say. This is wonderful exactly the Meri I have come to know from your images on-line wonderful! So vibrant and so you!

Love Sue x
Gayle said…
Wow!! Much more intriquing! Draws you in. What a huge decision to make. I like this one!!!
Meri said…
Thanks Sue and Vintage Green -- I do think it's more vibrant and expressive.
She Who Doodles said…
this one is perfect. much more as i would see you.
foxysue said…
Not sure depends what you want to put across:

#1 seems to be bold, daring confident whilst intriguing.

#2 blue would suggest a cooler, questioning individual, slightly more vulnerable perhaps? This one seems to stir a little more intrigue, a wondering what it's all about.
beth said…
i love the first one....all that red....and then the face beckoning you to come on in!!
Gen Jones said…
Definitely the first one. While the second (the blue) is nice, the first one matches the title as well as your personality, it's warm and inviting.
Kim Mailhot said…
The red one stopped me in my tracks. Could imagine seeing it on a table or shelf and being drawn to open its pages...

(That you use your own photos really, really, really seems fitting, Miss Meri. So glad you are exploring that !)
Delwyn said…
HI Meri
I read the cover blub of your book and then felt that the red is's about heated emotion, life, energy and power...and it's yours...

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