Morning Light

Some mornings the merest hint of light
 creeps in through the cracks
and begs you to crawl from your bed
to see what you'd have missed
if you stayed too long
in the land of dreams.

Water Like Glass © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

If you listen to your heart,
if you pull on your clothes
despite your inclination to snooze
just a few minutes more,
you just might find near-perfect light
and calm waters.

First Light Over Rialto Bridge © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

Picture perfect.


Alan Burnett said…
Absolutely gorgeous photos. I stayed just down from the Rialto Bridge a few years ago - but never managed early morning shots as captivating as these : too fond of my bed I suspect.
steven said…
meri - i'm almost without words! those are too beautiful. i am so happy for you to be inside those moments!! steven
Picture perfect is right!! Exquisite shots. Thank you for crawling out of bed to get them ... and for sharing them here.

You must be having a wonderful time with so much beauty and history all around you.

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