As I walked outside in the early morning light, the moon was hanging in the western sky, full and shiny. Ah, I thought. Maybe that's it. I've been feeling particularly open the past few days; feeling tender and raw as if I'm taking on some secret sadness from unknown sources. Sensing that I'm wide open psychic-ly and not particularly well shielded. Feeling mutable and changeable as if the slightest breeze will alter the way things look to me forever. "Mutable" copyright 2009 Meri Arnett-Kremian. If, as I've been told, this wander I'm going on starting in mid-week will alter me in profound ways I can't anticipate, the cycles of the moon, the wind ruffling the water's surface, the feeling of tenderness for the suffering in the world and a sense of being on the cusp of something too big to grasp with my mind are probably all part of the travel package. A little preview, so to speak. Soul Journey. All aboard. . . . .