Wondering, Waiting (Self Portrait Wednesday)

This is me.
Up close and personal.

Wondering whether
an online zine viewable at issuu.com
will ultimately decide to publish

this shot

this shot
in their next edition,
one that has a "Cities" theme.

They publish only one piece per artist
and are deciding between the two
(they had chosen the green shot,
but then I confused them by saying,
"You might like this one, too"
and sending the fountain shot).

When the choice is made
and it's in "print"
I'll let you know
the ultimate decision.

I'm just proud of me
for taking the risk
and putting my work out there
for someone else to judge.

p.s. They chose the fountain shot.


deb did it said…
I am proud of you too! I love the up close and personal shot of you today! fun hair!! so spunky! and I like the fountain shot better of the two!
rebecca said…

can you feel my lusty BRAVO!!!!
poefusion said…
Hello Meri~ Your up close and personal shot is great. You are a beautiful woman. I am so proud of you for entering your photos and equally proud they are deliberating on which photo to use. I personally would pick the fountain shot. It's terrific. Can't wait to see the outcome. Have a great day.
sam brightwell said…
Woo hoo Meri! I'm gonna dance a jig at your party ~ you totally deserve to feel proud of yourself for being amazing and brave and talented. Hurrah Hurrah. I love Wednesdays because I know I'm going to come to your blog and check out your self-portrait. It's nice to see your face clearly today.

Bright Blessings.
Anonymous said…
so proud of you! no chance of them going for both shots???
Meri said…
The editor is leaning toward the fountain shot, so I'm thinking that's the one. And only one --- the format is only one piece published from each artist/photographer. Thanks, everybody for your support. Assuming everything's a go for Platform58, it'll be my second published photograph. The first was a shot that was picked up by a travel guide for their Seattle region guide. I'd posted it on Tacoma Art Museum's flickr group page and the travel guide (Schmap) found it and contacted me about using it.
Jennifer said…
Meri, These are both stunning in their effect, color and perspective. I'll look to the online zine to see you published! Congratulations
Deirdra Doan said…
The fountain shot is so beautiful and amazing way to see the space needle I love it! And the green ...well..you are a wonderful artists...and love the photo of you!
beth said…
I'm so proud of you too...and just did the same thing with out local newspaper....

waiting is the hardest part !!!
this is so exciting! I can't wait until it's published! i'm guessing if this is under the rubrique "Cities," they'll go for the Space Needle one. I like the all-white purified/cleansed look, too. Congratulations!
Lille Diane said…
I am absolutely proud of you, too! How exciting to be you!!! Here's a great big giggly >>>5!!! You have every right to be proud of yourself.

A new fan... ;-)
Woodstock Lily
Izzy said…
Oh, I'm so proud of you also. Great job! And your sp is just fantastic!
Kim Mailhot said…
Wow ! These are amazing photos ! Congrats !

and your self-portrait today has a, "I'm waiting for it to unfold." vibe to it too...beautiful !
btw, that's a very nice picture of you. reminds me of maria schneider in last tango in paris.
Delwyn said…
...and Meri is coming in closer letting us get a little nearer to her essence...

This portrait is beautiful...I love your hair this way...

You must be very proud, and it's nice we can all share your excitement...well done clever girl... Now put some more 'out there'...

I like the green one...I just love greens. Were the walls this colour originally?

Take care
Happy Days
Well, looks like I'm the one to be different. I love the green. Keep on shooting, kind regards, Clint
ELK said…
keeping my fingers crossed and applause for the choice of a photo to go in a magazine...you are so brave with your selfie ...it is really good!
HeartFire said…
Congratulations Meri! I love both of those photos you submitted. And your self-portrait is wonderful!

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