Reflections (Self Portrait Wednesday)
I thank Misty Mawn
for prodding us all to capture
self-portraits on a regular basis.
It's a challenging assignment on so many levels -
how to accomplish it technically,
how to manage issues of body image and self-consciousness,
not wanting to open yourself up too much to others,
wanting to cast yourself in the best light.

I've come to love the "reflected self" self-portraits
because they offer a handy dandy way to deal with those issues.
Besides, the reflected images have an enigmatic quality
and my corporeal self has an air of lightness,
at least that's what I think.
The truth of it is, however,
that every moment of our lives
we're creating a self-portrait.
how we use our time
the choices we make when no option is ideal
whether we celebrate or shun our gifts
if we demonstrate kindness and compassion consistently
whether we're open to new experience or sadly shut down
the trail our words leave behind us
the images we choose to capture and share in our blogs
whether we're really present or absent from our own lives

These things all show others
our fullness of self
in a way a millisecond click of the shutter
can never accomplish.
finally i had to join in and reveal myself..
come peek..
Spiritual, kinda.
Come peek at my beach sp.
PS. I got your email and I will be responding as soon as I can put my thoughts together. And, finish making my comment rounds. Commenting keeps me on my toes lately.
so happy you are posting sp regularly!
And, you've been getting me thinking over the last few weeks, about self-portraits of my own. So I've posted some today ~ I hope you will come and have a look:
Bright Blessings, Soul Sister.
bright, loving fluttering reminders to be present.
I was also impressed about your comment about font. I'm impressed by anyone who putters in HTML!
as to the font:
I have had that happen a few times and so I have just upped the size to the next level to compensate... I couldn't work out why it occurred either....
These portraits show a different you today, a little elusive...
but your words show your thoughtful
insightful self...
Happy Days
Have a great day!
Don't know what to tell you about the html code...
Nice shot!
So -- a self-portrait every day! That's too ambitious. . . one a week is all I can handle (though I am taking pictures with me reflected every time the opportunity presents itself). It certainly is a psychic challenge to focus on one's self instead of turning the camera outward into the world.
Everyone else:
I've tried to answer you individually. Hope I haven't missed anyone. Thanks for the support - self portraits are a challenge.
I love your list; I may just print it out and keep it as a meditation.