Family Festivities

Yesterday was a day for family.
For gathering.
For celebration.

Kids (and friends)

Brothers and nephews
Step-mom and sisters-in-law

Daughter-in-law getting kisses

Father and grandson
(or for my father, his 6th great-grandchild)

for feasting

and exploring the world
in a place where everyone
is safe and loved.

And when the gathering ended,
I headed for home,
but took a little detour.

That pesky camera!
It always leads me astray.
But more about that later.


poefusion said…
You have a great looking family and your father looks to be happy living his fullest. I envy you that big dinner. But, it does remind me of Thanksgiving when our family would always get together. Good night~
beth said…
family time is a good time...
and now on to the other photos that you're keeping us guessing about !
Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

You have a lovely family. Your dad is looking very sprightly...

Just where did that pesky camera go?

Happy days
Anonymous said…
wow how great to everyone together. family time is awesome.
deb did it said…
what a lovely gathering! and don't ya just love it when that pesky camera kidnaps you away to unknown places waiting for you? can't wait to see more!
ELK said…
meri ~i am so glad you shared this love here makes me smile!

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