Burn, Baby, Burn
When you walk across the fields
with your mind pure and holy,
then from all the stones,
and all growing things, and all animals,
the sparks of their souls come out
and cling to you and they are purified
and become a holy fire in you.
- Hasidic saying

Let stones speak to you
when you lean up against them.
Deeply feel their warmth.
You are holy fire,
a spark of the divine One
so burn, baby, burn.
You are God's hands in the world.
What would you bring into being?
Who needs the loving touch that only you can give?
a spark of the divine One
so burn, baby, burn.
You are God's hands in the world.
What would you bring into being?
Who needs the loving touch that only you can give?
I love that place. Have you ever been?
Interesting post.
and it took me to King Herod's palace at the Dead Sea where I stood with my hands on the rock wall and soaked up history, high up on top of the plateau overlooking Jordan and wondered how many Jews and Roman soldiers had placed their hands here before me...
Happy Days