Play Date at Tacoma Art Museum

Sometimes it's fun to take yourself on a date.
A playdate, that is.

On this date, you look at pretty displays

and ooooh and ahhh over things that catch your eye
(especially if they have delicious reflections)

and maybe even try your hand at gelatin print-making.

The point is just to

You remember how to do that,
don't you?


rebecca said…
you make a delicious playmate.

(consider using as introduction in dating service write up.)
well ok, maybe not.

wish you lived in my neighborhood!
OMG! I can paint anything I want? And those crystal balls: I'm reading the nuances of my fortune already. Fun play date!
poefusion said…
Ooh Meri I LOVE to play. That gelatin print making looks fun. Have a nice day.
MJ said…
My craftroom is my playdate! I love it! I've never thought of gelatin printing though!
Meri said…
I wish all of you lived closer so we could find fun things to do together! I know Rebecca personally and she is sweet wicked fun (and has a wonderful husband that can be convinced to play the role of sherpa). I'm sure that you're just as delightful, Margaret & Michelle & MJ (the M girls).
Susan Tuttle said…
thanks for taking me along on your date -- what fun!:)
Lowell said…
Sometimes we need to go on a play date for sure! Even though I'm retired, it seems there's always something that MUST be done! Hah!

Looks like a great time at the Tacoma Art Museum!
Anonymous said…
thats sounds lik a fun place to spend a playdate.

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