Bits and Pieces

In case you hadn't gathered,
I'm drawn in so many ways to mixed media art.

"Memories in Bits and Pieces" - copyright 2007 Meri Arnett-Kremian.

I love studying mixed media pieces to see what new tricks I can learn.
I relish collecting pieces that speak to my heart.

I'm drawn to putting little bits and pieces together
in ways that no one ever dreamed they'd be combined,
until the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
and the bits and pieces are unified.

Collage is a life metaphor, in my worldview.
Myriad scraps can be combined in limitless ways,
each one unique.

A paper fragment
a splash of paint
just a touch of metal leaf,
something for texture,
all integrate to form
a new unity.

In collage,
you play with possibilities until you find
the exact arrangement that speaks to your soul.

"Dreaming of Immortality" copyright 2007 Meri Arnett-Kremian.

In life,
you take the experiences you're dealt
and create meaning,
overlooking the jagged edges
and squinting
until you see the bigger picture.

Until you find a way to piece together
the joys
the sorrows
failures and triumphs
love found and lost
the majestic mystery of it all.

Your pile of life experience may contain
too many scraps of loss and pain
this time around.

If it does,
you can be thankful for an intimacy with loss
that informs your deep compassion.

You can be amazed that even loss and pain
adds texture to your life design.

"Trying to Find Light in a Dark Corner" - copyright 2008 Meri Arnett-Kremian.

Your ability to grow from every experience,
to create meaning from what seems
at first glance
to be devoid of meaning,
gives your life richness, color,

Use every scrap
to create a rich, lush, passionate life.

Blessings to you.


Celeste Maia said…
Your work is fantastic. How you transform the bits and pieces and turn them into a spring scherzo, or purple moods, or a woman with an unconquerable face, or the toppling of an ancient king. I guess each one of us "sees" different things, that's the beauty of your finished image, one can read different things in different days.
HeartFire said…
Wonderful collages Meri...
Relyn Lawson said…
I keep promising myself that I'm going to being making my own collages. You make my fingers itch and my heart tingle to get busy.

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