Share the Joy

Where do you find JoY?

Is it in the decision of which treat
will be yours
when you take a bite and feel the flavor
tickle your taste buds?

When you see a silly green frog
sitting on a table in the window of a shop
and it makes you laugh?

When you can hear your son's laughter 
from two rooms away?

When the night sky is clear and the moon 
signals romance?

Or two people in love,
sharing secrets?

What sparked the fire of joy in you this week?

Notice joy.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.
Share it.


1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


Mascha said…
The things on the first picture look so delicious. Sometimes I stand before such windows, but I can not buy it ... -
Well, I'm looking for other joys, favorite song to hear (today in my blog), or see beauty in the area. Everywhere.
Ileana said…
Joy is in each of us. Sometimes it's hard to share. I am happy to share it with you today.
Have a great day!
Oh my goodness!!! The chocolate, the art, and a glorious moon!!! JOY indeed!!! Wishing you a grand day!!! Cathy
Laura said…
plenty of joy you've shared dear Meri!
deb did it said…
Mishing and Mashing brings me JOY!!
Leovi said…
Wonderful capture, nice photos! I love chocolate!
Kim Mailhot said…
It is those sweet little joys that fill us up, Beautiful Meri. Love your list !
Senidng love !
Anonymous said…
The frog is very cute! Don't tempt me with chocolate:)
Karen said…
Oh, I know I would find a lot of joy whilst eating some of those chocolates!
Hazel said…
I find joy just by looking at chocolate! Awwww... silly frog makes me smile. Hearing a son's laughter is such a joy too and I'm loving that. Thanks, Meri for hosting.


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