Haiku My Heart: Heart

spontaneous find
strolling along Cannon Beach
this heart touched my heart


That was a heart-warming discovery! So glad you made it!
Miracle of Manna
gma said…
It looks like a heart of gold.
A great find.
Spadoman said…
I love the way Nature communicates with us. Why were you where you were when you found it? What made you look down, pick it up, hold it, examine it, then think to keep is for a while? I believe it is not our choice bet we are led to this end through a higher power. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

Much Peace
Annie Jeffries said…
A heart rock! Sometime have a pure gift for finding such. I am not one of them. Alas
Anonymous said…
Serendipity!! Thank you for sharing your heart stone story!
Alexa T said…
It seems to look like a "golden glittering" heart... thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said…
What a find and what a delightful haiku ~ happy weekend to you ~ carol, xxx
Anonymous said…
Fabulous find!
that's got to be a good omen
deb did it said…
random blog visit
friends gather for word salad
heart rocks on beach walks
foxysue said…
timeless beauty,set-in-stone
like haiku-ing hearts! x
Mark said…
Amazing what treasures are all around us, just waiting for us to notice!

Fifty Years Ago
Wow!!! It indeed looks like a heart of gold!!! Wonderful Haiku!
rebecca said…
dear meri,
so lovely to find you and your gorgeous heart here! i think of you often; always with a deep feeling of contentment and love.
Kim Mailhot said…
I love heart rocks.
My collection is every growing.
So glad the universe made you smile.
Happy Saturday !
somepinkflowers said…
warm heart of found gold
a sign that yours is open
looking down rewards

Sandy K. said…
I love finding things in nature - always a surprise wherever you look, it seems. Thank you for sharing this heart - a golden find for sure:)
rebecca said…
dear meri,
i can hardly believe it is december first, which begins 12 days of mary. i still am on fire for the polyvore mary you shared last year. i am hoping you will stun us all with your beauty this year too. i find myself working over time to support my son as he finishes up at ASU. because of this i am not blog visiting as much as i have enjoyed in the past. i hope many of us will reconnect these next twelve days as we share some much needed light and love.

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