Share the Joy

I hope you're all finding little pockets of joy
to dig into this week.
As for me, joy is taking a backseat to concern
right now, as my mom was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
There will be a family gathering this weekend
and there will be lots of decisions to be made
over the next few months.

She is a woman of great faith, 
a retired minister in the United Methodist Church,
and I'm sure it would give her great joy
and comfort if you find it in your heart
to add her to your prayers.

What sparked the fire of joy in you this week?

Notice joy.
Cultivate it.
Celebrate it.
Share it.


1. do a post that tells and shows what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into 
the Mr. Linky box along with your info.

3. Visit other players and let their joy infect you.
Leave them a comment because everyone
 enJOYS getting positive feedback.

Let's keep the epidemic of JOY going!


Mascha said…
Ohhhhhh, I feel with you and your mom. This is a serious illness for the people themselves and everyone around them. My grandmother had it too ...
With prayers and much love
I know it's been a long time since I've been here and life has be a bit hectic! My mother has just moved into assisted-living in her wonderful complex. She has lived by herself until just recently and though we knew it would be difficult for us she has accepted the change with grace and dignity. Her words to the Dr. the other day after she was told of the the DX: dementia/Alzheimer's was, "Oh, my neighbors all have that too." At least my mother has not yet lost her sense of humor.

Praying for you and I know you will be praying for me. Cathy
deb did it said…
Oh Meri,
You know how sensitive I am to this topic.
I am so sorry, so dreadful.
May grace fill your soul as your family pulls together.
much love and strength is being wished your way today, and everyday.
Unknown said…
Dear Meri Will have all your family in my prayers. Went through the same with my mom. Be grateful that the places where she will be safe are specifically designed to care for her needs.
Leovi said…
Meri thank you very much!
Anonymous said…
Happy for you that you have your computer fixed:)
I don't know if my link works... would you check please? Thanks so much! Try not to worry too much about your mom and take care:)
She Who Doodles said…
oh meri,i'm so sorry. there is so much that goes thru your head when you hear this diagnosis. my mother also had alzehimers, as does my sister and brother before he died and now a niece. yet they say it doesn't run in families. it's a really scary thing. hang in there, do some research, there is a lot of great info on line. go to
Hazel said…
I'm so sorry about your Mom, Meri. She will be in my prayers. Hugs.

suzanne said…
holding you all in love and light as you walk through this most challenging journey together. may you find peace in the tender moments. sending love...
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, Meri, I am so sorry to hear this news. I hope your family will come together in love and care to find some solutions that will work for the benefit of all of you and especially your Mom.
Sending prayers for strength, comfort and love for all of you !

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